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OCR: Figure 1 Windows Shell Extensions Type Apply to Version Interface Involved Description Context Menu File class and Windows 95+ IContextMenu, Allows you to add new items to a shell object's shell's object IContextMenu2, or context menu. IContextMenu3 Right drag and drop File class and Windows 95+ IContextMenu, Allows you to add new items to the context menu that shell's object IContextMenu2, or appears after you right drag and drop files. IContextMenus Drawing shell File class and Windows 95+ IExtracticon Lets you decide at runtime which icon should be shell's object displayed for a given file within a file class. Property Sheet File class and Windows 95+ IShellPropSheetExt Lets you insert additional property sheet pages to the shell's object file class Properties dialog. It also works for Control Panel applets. Left drag and drop File class and Windows 95+ IDropTarget Lets you decide what to do when an object is being shell's object dropped (using the left mouse button) onto another one within the shell. Clipboard File class and Windows 95+ IDataObject Lets you define how an object is to be copied to and shell's object extracted from the clipboard. File Hook Windows 95+ ICopyHook Lets you control any file operation that goes through the shell. While you can permit or deny them, you aren't informed about success or failure Program Explorer Desktop IShellExecute Hook Lets you hook any program's execution that passes Execution Update through the shell. Infotip File class and Desktop IQueryinfo Lets you display a short text message when the mouse shell's object Update hovers over documents of a certain file type. Column Folders Windows 2000 IColumnProvider Lets you add a new column to the Details view of Explorer, Icon Overlay Explorer Windows 2000 IShelliconOverlay Lets you define custom images to be used as Identifier icon overlays. Search Explorer Windows 2000 IContextivenu Lets you add a new entry on the Start menu's Search menu. Cleanup Cleanup Windows 2000 1EmptyVolumeCache2 Lets you add a new entry to the Cleanup Manager to Manager recover disk space.